Who Is at Fault in a Roundabout Accident in San Antonio?

Who Is at Fault in a Roundabout Accident in San Antonio?San Antonio has its fair share of roundabouts. One of our most well-known roundabouts is located at McCullough and Olmos, another roundabout opened a few years ago in the downtown area at Main, Navarra, and San Pedro, and another one can be found at the Alamo Quarry Market. Safety and neighborhood activists recently proposed the idea of adding more roundabouts to our area, specifically at Fulton and Blanco.

It is unknown whether the proposal will turn into anything more, but many people are still having trouble navigating the other roundabouts situated around our city. One of the main fears of drivers who choose to avoid these roundabouts is being involved in a car accident and the complexities of determining who is at fault and should be held accountable for the damages.

Are roundabouts beneficial and safe?

Roundabouts can streamline traffic and reduce accidents when used correctly. However, they can be confusing, especially for new or inexperienced drivers. Incorrect usage, such as failing to yield or speeding, can increase the likelihood of crashes. Proper use is key to their safety benefits.

Most roundabouts are put in place to increase safety for motor vehicle drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and other road users, but this can only happen if they are used correctly. Therefore, since many roundabouts are often used incorrectly, they are known to increase the chances of being involved in an accident. For example, if a new and inexperienced driver does not understand how a roundabout works and enters the circle slowly while another driver enters and begins speeding without yielding to anyone, this can cause a traumatic and devastating crash or even a pile-up within seconds.

Common causes of roundabout crashes in San Antonio

There are many different causes of roundabout crashes, including:

  • Failure to yield
  • Improper lane changes
  • Speeding
  • Sudden or abrupt braking
  • Driving in the wrong lane
  • Tailgating or following too closely
  • Making sharp or hard turns
  • Lack of attention or distracted driving
  • Vehicle defects
  • Poor weather conditions

How to tell who is at fault in a roundabout accident

It can be difficult to tell who is at fault in a roundabout accident. Most of the time, when a driver carefully and cautiously enters a roundabout, pays close attention to the roadway and other drivers, yields to all necessary traffic, and follows the speed limit, they are not found to be at fault for the accident. However, if a driver makes a mistake in a roundabout, such as driving in the wrong lane or failing to yield, they may be found legally responsible for the crash.

If you have been involved in a roundabout accident in San Antonio, you may be eligible to file a claim and seek compensation for your injuries and other losses. However, it is recommended to never handle this type of case on your own. Instead, consider hiring a car accident lawyer as soon as possible to help you decipher the accident, deal with the complexities, and determine who may be at fault for the accident. An attorney can investigate your roundabout accident and collect evidence to gain an in-depth understanding of who may be at fault. The following are some of the evidence pieces that may help determine who is at fault for a roundabout accident:

  • Surveillance footage
  • Dash cam footage
  • Eyewitness statements
  • Police accident reports
  • Photographs and videos
  • Medical records
  • Expert witness testimonies

Does it matter who had the right of way in roundabout accidents?

It does matter who had the right of way in a San Antonio roundabout accident. The reason for this is because just like with any other type of accident, if you did not have the right of way, there is a strong possibility that you could be considered at fault. However, if you did have the right of way but another driver failed to yield and crashed into you, you have a higher chance of proving and winning your case. The person who enters the roundabout first typically has the right of way, meaning that other drivers are required to stop and wait their turn before entering the roundabout. If you did not wait your turn and jumped into the roundabout, you did not have the right of way and most likely caused or contributed to the accident.

What if another vehicle cuts across you?

Crossing conflicts occur when vehicles cut across lanes in a roundabout. If you were driving carefully and had the right of way, you may be able to hold the other driver accountable for cutting across your path.

What other factors matter when it comes to determining who is at fault for a roundabout accident?

Other factors that your attorney may look at are whether the accident was a rear-end collision or whether a driver was switching lanes at the time of the crash. We will go over why these factors matter below.

  • Rear-end collision: It can be difficult to prove that you did not cause or contribute to an accident if you struck a vehicle from behind. The reason for this is because most rear-end collisions are caused by the driver who is following and strikes the rear-end of the vehicle in front of them. However, if you can find a way to prove that the vehicle in front of you suddenly slammed on brakes, entered the wrong lane, failed to yield the right of way, or was distracted, you may be able to hold them liable for your accident. In order to prevent these types of accidents from occurring in a roundabout, it is crucial to give adequate space and distance, but sometimes these accidents are unexpected, especially when a driver acts carelessly or recklessly or is timid and nervous when going around a roundabout.
  • Switching lanes: If you are driving in a multi-lane roundabout and another driver fails to use their signal, makes an improper lane change, or realizes that they are in the wrong lane and tries to hurry and get over in front of you, they may be legally responsible for the accident. It is important to know and understand how a roundabout works and which lane you should be in to get to your location before ever entering the circle. When individuals do not know this, they are more likely to make a mistake or error and cause a dangerous accident to occur. If you were injured by a driver who made an improper lane change or switched lanes abruptly with no warning inside of a roundabout, this information could be key to successfully proving your case and holding the at-fault party accountable for their negligence.

Pat Maloney knows and understands how complicated, messy, and challenging roundabout accidents can be. Therefore, when his clients face life-altering and devastating effects from one of these accidents, he prepares to step up and legally assist them in obtaining the justice they deserve. The legal team at Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney will investigate your roundabout crash, help you collect valuable and supportive evidence, protect your rights, and advocate for the compensation you need to rebuild your life again. Other drivers involved in your accident will likely argue that you caused or contributed to the accident, but we will do everything we can to stand up against them and disprove their arguments. Please call our office or submit our contact form to schedule a free case evaluation today.