Don’t Pick the Wrong Personal Injury Attorney

If there’s one thing worse than realizing how seriously an injury has impacted your life, it’s that sinking feeling you get when you realize you’ve picked the wrong personal injury attorney.

How do you know if your attorney is a bad fit? It may be tough to put your finger on any one reason, so here are a few warning signs:

  • The ink isn’t dry on the framed bar association certificate on the wall.
    That doesn’t mean your San Antonio personal injury attorney isn’t good or doesn’t have good intentions. It just means they may not have the experience to represent you in the absolute best way for your unique case. Personal injury laws can be tricky, and one missed deadline can cost you everything.
  • They don’t return your calls.
    If you aren’t receiving regular updates in the form of emails or phone calls or if your own emails and voicemails go unanswered for days, it’s time to look for a different attorney.
  • You don’t trust them.
    It’s true that some attorneys simply have better people skills than others. You don’t have to necessarily like your San Antonio personal injury attorney in order to trust that they’ll handle your case well, but if your gut is telling you something isn’t right, don’t hesitate to look for a better fit elsewhere.
  • Fees are not clearly defined.
    If you’re getting substantial bills that aren’t itemized or contain items that weren’t previously agreed upon, it’s time to find a new attorney — especially if they refuse to discuss your concerns off the clock.
  • They aren’t a specialist.
    It takes a long time to accumulate the knowledge and expertise to become a competent San Antonio personal injury attorney. Choosing a general attorney might seem “good enough,” but you don’t want representation behind the curve when the other side’s attorneys are at the top of their game.

If you’re looking for a personal injury attorney, look no further than our trained, experienced, and personable attorneys at Pat Maloney. Contact us today at (210) 226-8888