3 Things You Need to Tell Your Commercial Truck Accident Lawyer

When you sit down with your commercial truck accident lawyer to discuss your case, it’s not unlike a doctor’s appointment. Small details matter, and if you fail (or forget) to share every symptom with your doctor — no matter how insignificant or unrelated it seems — they can’t prescribe effective treatment.

The same applies to your truck accident lawyer. No matter how small, insignificant, or even embarrassing, minor details can make the difference between winning your case or going home empty-handed.

From the first moment you sit down with your attorney, total honesty and complete disclosure is a must. Here are five things your truck accident lawyer needs to know, things you might be surprised they need to know.


If you’ve ever suffered an injury or illness in the past — and who among us hasn’t — tell your attorney every gory detail. The lawyer for the opposing party can and will use your health history against you in order to claim your pain and suffering is due to an unrelated cause. In addition, you should tell your attorney if you’ve had any other injuries or illnesses since the accident.


Technically, your past legal history should have no bearing on your current court case. That doesn’t mean every speeding ticket or misdemeanor isn’t going to come up in order to establish a pattern of reckless behavior. Background checks are routine, but it’s best to ensure that your truck accident lawyer won’t encounter any surprises.


Have you ever filed for bankruptcy in the past? Or are you filing concurrently with your injury case? It’s important your lawyer is aware of this so they can work to make sure at least some of your settlement stays in your bank account, not your creditors’.

Trust between a commercial truck accident lawyer and a client is paramount. Our attorneys are the best at what they do; you can rest assured your case is in capable hands. Contact us today at (210) 226-8888.

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