4 Benefits of Hiring a Great Car Accident Personal Injury Lawyer

Do you need a car accident personal injury lawyer? Sure, you can handle a car accident on your own, but why would you want to? You have to spend hours on the phone with insurance companies and use “preferred” mechanics, auto shops, and doctors, and in the end, you don’t get the service or the funds you actually deserve. You may even end up carrying part of the blame if you’re not careful!

To truly come out on top after a wreck, you should hire an experienced, top-notch attorney who specializes in auto accidents in the area where the accident occurred. With their help, you:


1.Don’t have to deal with insurance companies and other parties. When you have an attorney, you don’t have to deal with the nitty-gritty details of your accident. Your lawyer will work with the insurance agents, drivers, and other parties on your behalf, and will take that hassle off your shoulders from the very beginning.

2.Avoid getting lowballed. An attorney will determine the exact, accurate amount that you’re due. They’ll look at the medical bills you’ve incurred, your vehicle damage, and any other expenses that might have resulted from the accident, and they’ll prevent insurers from lowballing you or offering you less than you’re due.

3.Receive more money. Attorneys also know how to get compensation for intangibles such as pain, suffering, and even punitive damages. These can give you even more money for your troubles.

4.Don’t foot the blame. When you handle a car accident claim on your own, the insurers will likely try to pin some of the blame on you. Whether it’s saying you were speeding or you had a missing taillight, this could substantially affect your settlement. A car accident personal injury lawyer can ensure this doesn’t happen.

Next time you or a loved one is involved in a car wreck, don’t go it alone. Contact the personal injury attorneys at Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney, and we’ll make sure you get the justice and money you deserve.