A New Type of Therapy May Help Victims of Concussion

A New Type of Therapy May Help Victims of ConcussionFamily members and loved ones of victims of concussion may be surprised to learn that individuals with injuries to their heads are not always told about possible treatments that could help them heal and recover. Instead, they are told to rest, relax, and wait for the concussion to heal on its own. While this may be beneficial for many, there are certain therapy and treatment options that can reduce your symptoms and make your overall recovery process much better.

An article recently published in The Atlantic provides insight into a person’s experience after getting a concussion from falling off a horse. She explains that she continued to sleep and rest after being diagnosed with a concussion but eventually became angry and impatient at the long healing process. She could no longer drive, work, or do anything fun as she was glued to her bed, feeling overly exhausted.

As a result, she started feeling like she was losing a sense of herself, which led her to research and find out that there are other options out there. Unfortunately, this woman’s experience is very common as many doctors never tell victims of concussion about potential therapy and treatment options that may be available to them to help speed up their recoveries. Instead, they are typically only given old and useless medical advice, stating that they should rest and simply wait a few days or even weeks for the concussion to go away by itself. However, as the article mentions, “early treatment can make a big difference.”

What new therapy or treatment option may help victims of concussion?

The writer explained that she did as the doctor told her and rested for several days. However, every time she visited her physician, the timeline for resting and sleeping continued to be extended. When she was able to stay awake, she would communicate with doctors who specialize in concussions as well as conduct her own research. This led her to discover a new therapy and treatment option available for victims of concussion, which is called cervicovestibular rehabilitation. Many people have never heard of this term, and the sad reality is that many people may never be told about it by their emergency room or primary care doctor. However, there is research and studies on the internet showing how effective this new therapy is for concussion victims.

Cervicovestibular rehabilitation is when a therapist or doctor uses specific tools and techniques to help an individual heal and recover after being diagnosed with a concussion. This type of therapy or treatment option focuses on the somatosensory, visual systems, and the vestibular to reduce symptoms and help individuals return to their sports as well as their everyday life and schedule. While doctors are still hesitant to recommend cervicovestibular rehabilitation, a study released in 2014 states that more than 70 percent of those who participated in this therapy were able to recover and return to their normal activities after only eight weeks.

How cervicovestibular rehabilitation works for concussion patients

Cervicovestibular rehabilitation concentrates on re-establishing a person’s balance system by encouraging them to perform various exercises, which mainly include physical and eye activities. Some of the physical exercises and activities that the victims of concussion must complete in this type of therapy to be medically cleared include:

  • Standing straight on both legs with both feet together and both hands on your hips
  • Standing only on your non-dominant leg with both hands on your hips
  • Standing with your dominant foot in front of your non-dominant foot

Individuals must be able to do all three of these exercises while standing on a hard and soft surface, and their eyes must remain shut. These techniques have been proven “to be more effective at improving balance related symptoms compared to the standard concussion treatment of rest.”

Furthermore, the studies show that concussion patients undergoing the eye exercises and activities they are beneficial when it comes to healing. A few of these exercises and activities include:

  • Focusing and concentrating only on one item as the therapist or doctor moves it close to the bridge of your nose
  • Moving your eyes from right to left and up and down quickly while keeping your head straight and upright
  • Keeping your eyes focused only on one item while also moving your head to the left and right as well as up and down
  • Doing various activities that require using your hands and eyes at the same time, such as throwing and catching a ball, juggling objects, and playing a game of darts

Defining a concussion

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a concussion occurs when an individual hits, strikes, or bumps their head on a hard item, object, or surface. Concussions are traumatic brain injuries that usually result after a person strikes their head or skull with force on something, but they can also occur if the brain or head moves very quickly and suddenly in a back-and-forth motion. This causes the brain to slide around and twist and turn, “creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching and damaging brain cells.” Concussions are severe injuries that should be taken seriously. Therefore, if you recently hit or bumped your head on a hard object and believe that you may have a concussion, it is crucial that you seek medical attention right away.

If you or someone you love suffers a concussion due to another person’s negligence, Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney in San Antonio is happy to legally assist you. Pat Maloney is Board Certified in Personal Injury Law and has more than three decades of experience assisting clients with concussions or other traumatic brain injuries. He knows the ins and outs of these types of cases and will do everything he can to secure the best outcome possible for your case. Call or contact our team to schedule your free case review today.