Essential Information to Tell Your Truck Accident Lawyer

truck accident lawyer needs information—and lots of it—to adequately present your injury case to the judge. That usually means more than just showing up with any casts, stitches, bumps, or bruises and trying to have your injuries tell the story.

In addition to discovering and preserving evidence such as the trucker’s driving record and work history, cell phone time and date stamps, track maintenance history, and load or overload weight, a truck accident lawyer needs nothing but the truth from victims.

Have nothing to hide? Great. Are there a few blemishes on your own driving record? Come clean now so your lawyer won’t be handicapped by any surprises. Also, tell your lawyer the following information:

  • Your health history. The trucking company’s attorneys will try to claim that your pain and suffering are a result of a pre-existing health condition, not because your half-ton car was totaled by a ten-ton truck. That broken shoulder? Oh, you had a baseball injury in high school, so tough luck. Memory loss? Remember that time you got a concussion when you flew off your ATV? No? Well, here it is in your medical records. Massive blood loss? Hmm, looks like you’re taking a medication that could cause lots of bleeding from a paper cut. Make sure your health records are in order and your truck accident lawyer has copies.
  • Past insurance claims. Have you filed insurance claims in the past, especially after previous accidents? Lawyers for the other side will be looking into your claim history—for health, auto, and homeowner’s insurance policies. Your own lawyer needs to know it before they do.
  • Your legal history. Your truck accident lawyer needs to know more than your driving record—from parking tickets to moving violations. If you’ve tangled with the legal system for any reason, no matter how far back, tell your attorney. This is true even if records involving specific incidents have been sealed or expunged. Your lawyer will, in many cases, be able to move quickly to ensure your prior record has no bearing on the current case.

When you need representation, we’ve got your back. Call us if you need a truck accident lawyer.