How to Determine if You Need a Workplace Injury Lawyer

What is the biggest mistake you can make after getting hurt on the job? Failing to hire a workplace injury lawyer right away if one is needed to handle your case. Maybe you can trust that your employer will do right by you and help you get treated and back on the job without putting up a fight. The truth is, however, once the insurance company gets involved, decisions may be out of your employer’s hands. So you need to ask, do you need a workplace injury lawyer?

Here are a few reasons consulting a work injury lawyer as soon as possible is the smartest legal strategy to protect yourself, your family, and your long-term career.

You Might Learn You Don’t Need a Lawyer

In some cases, the situation is pretty much cut-and-dried. An insurance company probably won’t argue against fair compensation if:

  • There’s no dispute that the injury happened while performing your job.
  • Your treatment was uncomplicated and recovery uneventful.
  • You went back to work soon after the injury with no ill effects.
  • The incident didn’t result in disability, short- or long-term.

Finding out you don’t need a lawyer gives you peace of mind and in virtually all instances, doesn’t cost you a dime for the initial consultation.

If You Do Need a Workplace Injury Lawyer, the Sooner the Better

During your initial consultation, an experienced workplace injury lawyer will know the red flags to look for that indicate your road to recovery could be bumpy without proper representation:

  • Your initial workers’ compensation claim was denied because the insurance company claims the injury wasn’t work-related or you missed a filing deadline. In any case, denial means you’re facing a long, complicated appeals process, right around the time you need to be focused on recovery.
  • You’re facing roadblocks to gaining access to proper treatment. If this is the case, it’s time to get a lawyer, especially if you have a pre-existing condition.
  • Your claim of permanent disability is denied. There are so many factors that figure into this decision, it’s critical to have an experienced attorney at your side to help you navigate the maze of regulations and requirements.

Don’t get caught with your guard down. Contact the personal injury attorney at Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney as soon as a workplace injury occurs.

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