Concussions Can Shorten Your Lifespan

Concussions fall under the umbrella term of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which can lead to lasting and profound changes. A TBI can significantly impact daily life for victims, and can develop into associated injuries over time. These associated injuries are called “TBI sequelae” and refer to the enduring consequences of a TBI, causing further physical,…

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Can Car Accidents Lead to Chest and Heart Damage?

Driving is the most dangerous behavior most Americans engage in daily. While vehicles have come a long way in terms of safety, a serious car accident can lead to severe blunt force trauma. The heart is well-protected within the sturdy ribcage, making it resistant to injury. However, when significant force is applied – such as…

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How Are Burn Injuries Assessed?

Whether you are involved in a car accident, suffer an electric shock from downed wires while walking by a construction site, or are caught in the middle of a machine explosion at work, you may suffer severe and traumatic burn injuries. Unfortunately, burn injuries are extremely common for workers and non-workers alike, and they can…

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Posting on Social Media Can Hurt Your Personal Injury Case

After being hurt or injured in an accident, you may decide to file a personal injury claim against the negligence party. This is a good idea for those seeking compensation to pay for their losses and to help them get by during their lengthy recovery process. However, it is important to keep in mind that…

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A New Type of Therapy May Help Victims of Concussion

Family members and loved ones of victims of concussion may be surprised to learn that individuals with injuries to their heads are not always told about possible treatments that could help them heal and recover. Instead, they are told to rest, relax, and wait for the concussion to heal on its own. While this may…

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How Do You Sue a Trucking Company?

Accidents involving 18-wheelers can have multiple liable parties, including the trucking company itself. In such cases, San Antonio truck accident victims can file a lawsuit against the company to seek compensation for their losses. Suing a trucking company, however, can be more complicated than suing the driver of another vehicle. The laws which govern trucking…

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Why T-Bone Accidents Are So Dangerous

T-bone accidents, also referred to as side impact or broadside collisions, are one of the most dangerous and deadly accidents. Many people may assume that these types of accidents are similar or the same as any other type of accident, but this is false. In fact, T-bone accidents frequently lead to life-threatening and permanent consequences…

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What Is a Truck Rollover?

Truck rollovers are one of the most serious accidents in which truck drivers and passenger vehicle drivers can be involved. In fact, these types of accidents commonly lead to fatalities or lifelong disabilities. A truck rollover accident is when an 18-wheeler turns onto its side or top. These accidents can happen at any time, but…

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Treatment Of, and Recovery From, Catastrophic Burn Injuries

Burn injuries are one of the most excruciating and life-altering injuries that a person can experience. They not only lead to severe pain, but also result in multiple hospital visits, surgeries, physical therapy sessions, and relearning how to carry out your daily duties and tasks. Many people who have burn injuries develop depression and anxiety…

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