The Long-Term Consequences of Childhood Brain Injuries

Accidents are an inevitable part of childhood, and it’s not uncommon for children to inadvertently hurt themselves while exploring the world around them. From minor scrapes to bruises, these mishaps are often part of the learning process. However, when it comes to bumps or injuries to the head, it’s important for parents and caregivers to take them seriously. Even seemingly minor head injuries can have hidden consequences and potential long-term effects on a child’s health and development.

Whether it occurs due to an everyday accident like a fall from stumbling over a toy, or a traumatic incident like a car accident, sports-related injury, or a medical malpractice case, the effects of brain injuries can be far-reaching and extend well into adulthood. In such cases, hiring a San Antonio lawyer who specializes in personal injury law can be crucial in securing the child’s rights and ensuring they receive the necessary support and compensation they deserve.

Understanding the long-term consequences

Childhood brain injuries can result in a range of physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral impairments. Some common long-term consequences include:

  • Cognitive impairments. Brain injuries can affect a child’s ability to think, reason, concentrate, and remember information. These impairments can impact academic performance, hinder learning abilities, and create challenges in various aspects of life.
  • Physical disabilities. Depending on the severity of the brain injury, children may experience physical disabilities such as paralysis, muscle weakness, coordination difficulties, and sensory impairments.
  • Emotional and behavioral issues. Brain injuries can lead to changes in mood, behavior, and emotional regulation. Children may experience depression, anxiety, irritability, impulsivity, and difficulty controlling their emotions.
  • Social challenges. Brain injuries can affect a child’s social skills, making it harder for them to interact with peers, maintain friendships, or understand social cues. This can lead to feelings of isolation and hinder their overall social development.

As children are still developing physically and cognitively, injuries during childhood can prove to have a greater risk of long-term conditions than an injury as an adult.

Symptoms of a brain injury in children

Traumatic brain injuries in children can present a range of signs and symptoms that vary in severity and duration. These symptoms include:

  • Physical signs. Headaches, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea or vomiting, fatigue, dizziness, balance issues, ringing in the ears, vision problems, and numbness or tingling.
  • Cognitive signs. Confusion, slow thinking, memory issues, difficulty concentrating, poor judgment, academic struggles, and falling behind in school.
  • Emotional signs. Irritability, heightened emotions, sadness, lack of interest, frustration, impatience, outbursts, and changes in behavior.
  • Sleep-related signs. Alterations in sleeping patterns, trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, excessive or insufficient sleep.

In some cases, a small percentage of children may experience more severe symptoms such as prolonged loss of consciousness, muscle weakness, seizures, and significant brain and functional impairments.

How can a San Antonio brain injury attorney help me?

Dealing with the legal aspects of a childhood brain injury case can be daunting, especially for families already coping with the emotional and financial challenges that arise from such an incident. Hiring an experienced lawyer can provide valuable guidance and support in navigating the legal complexities involved.

  • Gathering evidence. A skilled lawyer will thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the injury, gathering evidence from medical records, witness testimonies, expert opinions, and other relevant sources. This evidence can strengthen the case and help establish liability.
  • Determining liability. Identifying the responsible party is crucial in personal injury cases. A lawyer will assess the circumstances and determine who may be held liable, such as negligent drivers, product manufacturers, healthcare professionals, or educational institutions.
  • Calculating damages. Brain injuries can lead to significant medical expenses, ongoing rehabilitation costs, therapy, and potential future care needs. An experienced lawyer will work with medical experts, economists, and other professionals to accurately calculate the damages owed, ensuring that all current and future expenses are considered.
  • Advocating for compensation. A lawyer will fight to protect the child’s rights and advocate for fair compensation on their behalf. This may include seeking damages for medical bills, rehabilitation costs, pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of earning capacity, and any other relevant damages.

An experienced lawyer can help connect families with valuable resources and support networks for children with brain injuries. They can assist in accessing specialized medical care, rehabilitation services, educational support, and community programs tailored to the child’s needs. Additionally, a lawyer can help families navigate insurance claims and negotiate with insurance companies to ensure that the child receives the necessary coverage for their treatment and care.

When it comes to determining a settlement amount for a child injury claim, there is no set average. At Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney, we understand the importance of considering multiple factors when seeking compensation. These factors include the severity of your child’s injuries, the anticipated duration of their recovery, their mental well-being, their overall quality of life, and the current and future financial damages they may incur. Our goal is to diligently work towards securing compensation for various aspects, such as past and future medical expenses, disability costs, mental anguish, physical pain and suffering, and specialized schooling or rehabilitation. In cases involving catastrophic injuries, we will take into account the long-term resources your child will require throughout their lifetime. To schedule your free consultation, contact us today by calling our office or completing our contact form. We represent clients throughout San Antonio.