Work Zone Accident Lawyer

San Antonio Work Zone Accident Lawyer

70 years of experience fighting for personal injury victims in Texas

There are many different interstates that run through or near San Antonio such as I-10,30, 37, and 410; US highways such as US 87,90, 181, and 281; state highways such as 16,130, 151, and others; loops and spurs; streets and roads. On any given day, many of these San Antonio roads are being widened, repaired, or improved. New roads are being built. Sewer lines are being installed. Trees are being trimmed. Traffic lights are being installed. Much of the work is performed by local governmental and private contractors.

Workers at these sites are in constant danger from cars and trucks that drive near the work zone site. Similarly, drivers can be injured or killed if the owners of the construction site fail to properly reroute the drivers away from the work zone. At Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney, we have been a strong advocate for injured workers, drivers, and passengers for 70 years. Attorney Pat Maloney is a Board Certified specialist in personal injury law, and he’s helped numerous accident victims obtain strong recoveries.  In one illustrative case, we obtained $6 million for the family of a 17-year-old who died as a result of the negligence of a road construction contractor. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation with a San Antonio work zone injury lawyer.

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How often do work zone accidents occur?

According to the National Work Zone Safety Information Clearing House, between 2019 and 2021, nationwide, 25.9 percent of all fatal crashes on urban interstates were due to work zone accidents. More than 2 percent of these accidents were rear-end collisions, and 1.6 percent of fatal work zone accidents were due to driver distraction.

For 2021, there were:

  • 106,000 work zone crashes
  • 42,000 work zone injuries
  • 956 work zone fatalities
  • 323 work zone deaths that involved commercial vehicles
  • 164 pedestrian fatalities in work zone areas

108 of the work zone fatalities were workers.

Why are San Antonio work zone accidents so dangerous?

Work zone construction in San Antonio includes work on all types of roads. It includes building new roads, repairing potholes and wear-and-tear damage, and widening lanes. Construction work includes utility work. Landscaping work, including tree-trimming, is a common type of road construction. Road construction work also includes work fixing bridges.

Some of the dangers for workers include the following:

  • Work zones in San Antonio are dangerous because the workers are physically present on the roads or on the sides of the roads.
  • Any car or truck that comes too close to the site can collide with a worker or cause the worker to fall. Workers at road construction may be high off the ground.
  • Many workers work with heavy machinery which requires their full attention.

Some of the dangers for cars and trucks near the work zone site include:

  • Confusion about where a driver can and cannot drive.
  • Trying to merge into other lanes of traffic because some lanes are closed.
  • Heavy congestion because traffic slows as drivers are directed away from the road construction.
  • The roads themselves are often uneven, stripped own, or hazardous.
  • At night, it can be especially difficult to navigate around a work zone.

Any pedestrians near an intersection crosswalk or walking on the side of the road are also in danger if they get too close to a road construction site.

What steps should companies in San Antonio take to prevent work zone accidents?

Our San Antonio work zone lawyer understands what federal, state, and local laws and regulations construction site owners need to follow. We work with construction professionals who understand the best practices for designing and supervising work zones in San Antonio. We hold construction companies accountable when their sites fail to implement the following safety procedures:

  • Designing the work zone so that drivers can understand where to travel and when they need to shift lanes
  • Installing clear warnings plenty of distance away from the work zone site that there is construction work ahead
  • Placing cones and other types of markers or dividers properly
  • Having clear directions and detour signs
  • Understanding the common traffic patterns at the work zone
  • Helping drivers safely merge with other lanes of travel
  • Ensuring that the workers are protected from any cars, trucks, or other vehicles
  • Ensuring that the work zone is well-lit
  • Ensuring that the road construction trucks and equipment are not close to moving traffic

Everyone who works at the construction site should be trained to understand the safety protocols designed to keep traffic at a distance.

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Work Zone Accident Attorney

What steps should drivers in San Antonio take to avoid work zone accidents?

Many work zone accidents in San Antonio are due to other drivers who fail to recognize work zone dangers or fail to respond properly when they do observe dangerous road conditions. Our legal team in San Antonio file claims against drivers who cause accidents due to:

  • Driver distraction. Drivers need to have their eyes on traffic, mind on how to handle emergencies, and hands on the steering wheel at all times. Drivers who are texting, talking on a cellphone, or are distracted in other ways will fail to see warnings and directions until it’s too late. Most rear-end collisions are due to driver distraction.
  • Speeding. The speed limits at construction sites should be reduced. Some sites may have limits as low as 25, 15, or even 5 mph. Drivers need to be driving slowly enough to see these signs. All drivers need to comply with these lower speed limits. Unfortunately, many drivers do the opposite – they speed up to get into different lanes. Speeding is a major cause of construction injuries and fatalities.
  • Improper passing and merging. Most work zone traffic is reduced by one or two lanes of travel. Drivers need to let other drivers merge. Drivers shouldn’t pass other drivers. Drivers need to merge as soon as there is a warning – not at the last minute.

Another factor that drivers need to be aware of at construction sites is bad weather, such as fog and rain.

Who is responsible for a work zone accident that occurs in San Antonio?

At Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney, we file car accident claims against every responsible person or business, including:

  • The construction companies. These may include public and private contractors, engineers, and subcontractors. These businesses should prepare in advance for all the traffic problems that are likely to occur during all phases of the construction.
  • Negligent drivers. We hold drivers accountable when they rear-end you, sideswipe you, create head-on crashes when they shift to opposite lanes, or fail to drive safely for any reason.
  • The Texas Department of Transportation or other state/local agencies. Generally, all road construction should be supervised by the Texas Department of Transportation (TDOT). Some work zone construction is even initiated by the TDOT. We understand the unique issues involved in filing claims against a state agency or entity.

Other people or businesses may also be responsible for a work zone accident.

Who can file a work zone accident claim?

Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney represents drivers, passengers, and pedestrians who are injured in a San Antonio work zone accident. We file wrongful death claims if a work zone accident caused the death of your loved one. We also file personal injury claims on behalf of eligible injured workers – generally non-employees – who suffer injuries while doing their job.

We demand compensation for an injury victim’s medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, loss of bodily function, and property damage. We seek wrongful death damages if a loved one died, which include funeral and burial costs, the emotional trauma of the family members, the loss of financial support, and the loss of personal support.

Do you have a work zone accident lawyer near me?

Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney meets injury victims and families at our office which is located at 239 E Commerce St. in the center of Downtown San Antonio, TX. We are the owner of one of the most beautiful and historic buildings in San Antonio. There’s plenty of available parking. We do meet people away from the office if they’re too ill or immobile. We also conduct phone discussions and video conferences.

We’ll fight for all the compensation you deserve.

Contact our respected San Antonio work zone accident lawyer today

We understand how upset and angry you are. Instead of enjoying your life, you now need to focus on improving your health, living with pain, and how you’ll pay your bills if you can’t work. At Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney, we’re respected by former clients, insurance companies, and defense lawyers for our impressive record of successfully representing personal injury clients. Our San Antonio work zone lawyer is ready to help you today. To schedule a free consultation, call us or fill out our contact form now.