San Antonio Hypoxia Birth Injury Attorney

Legal help when your infant suffers hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in Texas

The birth of a child is a greatly anticipated event in a family’s life. However, a medical professional’s negligence can quickly turn this event into a tragedy. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), or lack of oxygen during birth, can have traumatic health consequences on an infant, including brain injuries, cerebral palsy, developmental delay, and fatality.

If you believe your child developed hypoxia due to medical malpractice, talk to an experienced attorney today. At the Law Offices of Pat Maloney, we have decades of experience helping families just like yours secure compensation after a doctor or other medical professional caused their child harm. We work to ensure your child has the resources they need to thrive as much as possible for the rest of their life, demanding compensation for medical expenses, treatments, and your child’s pain and suffering.

For a free consultation, call our offices or fill out our contact form today. Hablamos español. 

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What is hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy?

Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a serious medical condition that occurs when a baby's brain is deprived of oxygen or receives insufficient blood flow during or around the time of birth. A lack of oxygen and nutrients can cause damage to the brain cells, which can result in a range of neurological problems such as seizures, developmental delays, cognitive impairments, and cerebral palsy.

HIE can have lifelong consequences and requires a prompt diagnosis and treatment to minimize its effects on a newborn's health and development.

What are the signs and symptoms of HIE in newborns?

The signs and symptoms of HIE in newborns can vary depending on the severity and duration of the oxygen deprivation, as well as the specific areas of the brain affected. However, common signs and symptoms include

  • Difficulty breathing or requiring respiratory support
  • Abnormal heart rate or blood pressure
  • Weak or absent reflexes
  • Low muscle tone or poor muscle control
  • Seizures or abnormal movements
  • Poor feeding or difficulty swallowing
  • Apathy or lethargy, or poor responsiveness to stimuli
  • Unusual cries, including high-pitched or weak cries
  • Abnormal eye movements or vision problems
  • Developmental delays, including delays in reaching developmental milestones

If your newborn exhibits any of these signs or symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention immediately to assess the possibility of HIE or other underlying medical conditions. Early diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve the outcome and quality of life for your newborn.

What are the causes of HIE?

Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy can be caused by a variety of factors, including medical negligence. Doctors should be alert for conditions during pregnancy and labor that may lead to HIE, including:

  • Placental problems – like placental abruption, placenta previa, or uterine rupture –can disrupt oxygen and nutrient supply to the infant
  • Prolonged labor or delivery, which causes stresses and can reduce oxygen supply to the baby
  • Umbilical cord problems – like cord prolapse, compression, or entanglement – can restrict blood flow and cut oxygen supply to the baby
  • Maternal health conditions, including hypertension, diabetes, and infections, can affect the placenta and affect blood supply to the baby
  • Anesthesia mistakes can affect an infant’s breathing or heart rate

HIE may be caused by other medical malpractice or negligence issues, such as delayed diagnosis, improper monitoring of the baby's vital signs, or failure to respond to fetal distress signals.

How is hypoxia treated?

Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) in a newborn is a serious medical condition that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment to minimize damage to the brain and improve long-term outcomes. One of the most effective treatments for HIE is therapeutic hypothermia, which involves lowering the baby's body temperature to reduce inflammation and minimize further damage to the brain.

Injury attorney Pat Maloney

What are long-term complications for HIE?

Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a serious condition that can cause long-term complications and disabilities in affected children. The severity and extent of these complications may vary depending on the severity of the initial brain injury and the specific areas of the brain affected. Some common long-term complications of HIE may include:

  • Cerebral palsy. HIE is a common cause of cerebral palsy, which is a group of neurological disorders that affect movement, muscle tone, and coordination.
  • Developmental delays. HIE can cause delays in the development of motor skills, speech and language, and cognitive abilities.
  • Seizures. Children with HIE may be at an increased risk of developing seizures or epilepsy.
  • Learning disabilities. HIE can cause learning disabilities, such as difficulties with reading, writing, or math.

If you believe your child’s HIE was caused by medical negligence, it’s crucial you speak with a San Antonio birth injury attorney as soon as possible to launch an investigation into your case.

Who is liable for my child’s hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy injury?

Determining liability for a birth injury like HIE can be a complex process that depends on the circumstances surrounding the incident. Generally, however, liable parties will involve the professionals involved in the care of the mother during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. These parties can include:

  • Obstetricians, doctors, midwives, and other medical professionals who provided care, monitored the mother’s health during pregnancy, and assisted during labor and delivery.
  • Nurses, anesthesiologists, and other medical professionals who provided care during labor and delivery, including monitoring the baby’s heart rate, administering medication, and providing respiratory support.
  • Hospitals, birthing centers, and other facilities where the delivery occurred can be held liable if they failed to provide adequate and proper staff, equipment, and protocols to ensure the safety of mother and child during labor and delivery.

Our attorney works to show that the professionals involved in your care and the care of your child breached the standard of care – meaning they failed to provide a level of care that a reasonable medical professional would have provided in similar circumstances.

Do you have a hypoxia injury attorney near me?

Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney is located at 239 E Commerce St. in the center of Downtown San Antonio, TX. We are the owner of one of the most beautiful and historic buildings in San Antonio. There’s plenty of parking nearby. If you cannot travel, we can arrange a phone or video conference, or an in-hospital visit.

Talk to a compassionate hypoxia birth injury lawyer now

Birth injuries are among some of the most complex cases to try, due to the young age of the plaintiff and the task of determining the right amount of compensation for the rest of a person’s life. Rest assured, the Law Offices of Pat Maloney are up to the challenge. With a 99% case success rate, we’re the law firm you want on your side. Talk to us today about how we can help your family and work to ensure your child is taken care of. Call us in San Antonio or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.