What Steps to Take Immediately After a Car Accident

Did you know that, according to automobile insurance industry experts, the average individual will experience an auto accident about once every 18 years or so? This means that, over the course of an individual’s lifetime, they might experience about four car accidents. While four may not seem like a large number, it is when speaking about auto accidents. Many of us are fortunate enough to have yet to experience this scenario. And, while we hope we never find ourselves in the situation, it is best to be prepared. Do you know what to do after a car accident? Knowing what steps to take immediately after a car accident can save you a lot of time, hassle, money, and stress. Keep reading for more information and to ensure you are prepared in the event you are involved in an accident.


It’s common to be shaken up after a wreck. Breath. Make sure you are not injured. Try not to send yourself into a panic. Remain calm, turn off your vehicle, turn on your four-way flashers and check the traffic before getting out of the vehicle.


If there were others involved in the accident or in your vehicle, make sure they are okay. However, do not say the words I’m sorry. You do not want to bring up who’s at fault at this time. If you are first aid certified, give aid to anyone who needs it. Be sure to call an ambulance. Do not move anyone who is injured because it could possibly make their injury or injuries worse.


Try to prevent any further damage or accidents from happening. Make it apparent to others that are nearing your accident so that they are warned.

CALL 9-1-1

Contact the police and tell them the true facts of what happened. Be sure to cooperate with police officers. You should always call the police following an accident so you have an accident report on file.


As long as you are able to gather information at the scene. Get the names, phone numbers and addresses of the others who were involved. If there are witnesses, get their information also. Take pictures of any damage and be sure to document it.

What to do after a car accident? – 8 Steps to Take

  1. Remain Calm
  2. Check on Others
  3. Prevent Further Damage
  4. Call 9-1-1
  5. Get Information
  6. See a Doctor
  7. Call Your Insurance Company
  8. Contact a Lawyer


If you have any doubt that you might be injured, seek care from a doctor immediately.


Contact your insurance company and tell them about the accident. Be sure to cooperate with them and provide them with all the information they need.


If you were injured, contact an attorney who has experience with handling San Antonio personal injury cases. They will let you know what your legal rights are and work to represent you in getting the compensation you deserve.

If you or someone you know has been injured recently in an auto accident, contact the Law Offices of Pat Maloney for further information. Our experienced team will work on your behalf to ensure you get what you deserve.

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