Personal Injury Claims
4 Benefits of Hiring a Great Car Accident Personal Injury Lawyer
Do you need a car accident personal injury lawyer? Sure, you can handle a car accident on your own, but why would you want to? You have to spend hours on the phone with insurance companies and use “preferred” mechanics, auto shops, and doctors, and in the end, you don’t get the service or the…
Read More3 Signs You Might Be Eligible for Personal Injury Compensation
Personal Injury Compensation In the confusion that follows an accident, personal injury compensation is probably the last thing on your mind. When the smoke clears, your injuries are addressed, and you’ve regathered your rattled wits, don’t hesitate to contact a lawyer, especially if any of the following conditions apply to you: THE ACCIDENT WASN’T YOUR FAULT. If…
Read MoreOSHA Construction Safety 101
OSHA has standards and regulations for all employers, no matter what industry they’re a part of. There are, however, a few sectors considered more dangerous than most. For these, OSHA has created industry-specific safety standards all employers must follow. One such industry is construction. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 4 percent of…
Read More3 Reasons Why You Did Not Get a Medical Claim Settlement
Medical Claim Settlement A medical claim settlement is a difficult case and there may be numerous reasons why you did not receive the settlement you thought you deserved. Here are 3 reasons. Medicine is expensive. Most cannot afford medical care out of pocket. So, our medical system depends on insurance to help pay the bill.…
Read MoreHire A Work-Related Injury Attorney For A Class Action Lawsuit
Work injuries that involve only one hurt employee are both common and fairly straightforward, typically resulting in the injured party being owed money by their employer or their worker’s compensation insurance. But when a workplace accident injures multiple employees at once, things can become more complicated. The injured group stands the best chance of winning…
Read MoreThird Party Insurance Claims for Car Accidents: What You Should Know
If you’re in a car accident caused by another person, you’ll need to know about third-party insurance claims. This claim is filed with the insurance company of the other driver – also known as the at-fault party. Your insurance company will not be involved in this claim, and all compensation for your damages and injuries will…
Read MoreTips for Filing a Successful Third Party Insurance Claim
When you’re in a wreck caused by another driver, you’ll need to file a third-party insurance claim. A third party insurance claim is filed with the other driver’s insurance carrier and can compensate you for your car repairs, medical bills, and any other costs you’ve incurred because of the accident. Unfortunately, all too often, insurance companies offer…
Read More4 Benefits of Hiring Pat Maloney as Your Personal Injury Lawyer
Suffering a personal injury can be a life-altering experience. The stress of dealing with the insurance company, loss of wages, and numerous medical bills can take a big toll on anyone. You’ll need to know how to choose a personal injury lawyer that best suits your needs. Hiring the right attorney can help ease the…
Read MoreHire a Serious Personal Injury Lawyer – Pat Maloney
Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer There are plenty of reasons to hire a personal injury lawyer, but finding one serious about winning your case is one of the keys to a successful outcome. Debilitating injuries shatter lifestyles. The pain that comes with injury also comes with legal demands. When daily living is capitalized…
Read More4-Point Checklist Your Work Injury Lawyer Must Fulfill
It’s been said that the best way to stay organized and on track is to make a list. This holds especially true when you need a work injury lawyer after an on-the-job accident puts your health and financial future at risk. It’s not a bad idea to make an “in case of work injury” checklist…
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