San Antonio construction accident lawyers

Construction Accident Attorney in San Antonio

Providing safe protection for victims and their families in Texas

Serious injury can occur at diverse job sites and places of work that change an employee’s ability to make a living. Unfortunately, no employee is immune to the possibility of a workplace accident as injuries occur across a wide range of industries and job types. Accidents at construction sites are particularly common, and following such an accident, an experienced San Antonio construction accident attorney is likely your best course of action.

In Texas, the most common workplace accidents and work-related injuries result from transportation, typically involving trucking accidents or other large vehicles. For oil field, mining, and other remote work environments, transportation accidents often occur, not in cars and trucks, but due to travel. Employee contact with large equipment or construction objects causes falls or other trauma. Finally, burn injuries due to fire, electricity, welding or explosives are common in the workplace.

Schedule your free initial consultation with Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney when you call our offices today.

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Why choose Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney?

When you are suffering from a construction accident injury, you need to secure a construction and workplace attorney you can trust to help your case. At Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney, we are dedicated to helping injured workers secure the compensation they deserve.

  • We have 70 years of combined legal experience in all areas of personal injury law, including cases involving construction site accidents.
  • You will always have access to your qualified attorney and legal team.
  • We operate on a contingency fee basis, so our clients will not pay any upfront fees and are only responsible for legal expenses if we win your case on your behalf.

Workplace accidents at construction sites are a common type of workplace injury in Texas. Because of the many potentially unsafe working environments that occur on construction sites, such as working on elevated and unprotected structures and scaffolding, close contact with heavy machinery, contact with hazardous substances, etc., construction site accidents can cause the most serious types of personal injuries.

These serious injuries can cause fatalities, completely disable an employee from further work, or can disrupt the ability of an employee to earn a reasonable living. Any of these events create great hardships for injured workers and their families.

How can an experienced San Antonio construction accident lawyer help?

While many people think that work injuries will be straightforward, that is not always the case. Securing coverage through workers’ compensation should be an easy process, but there are times when an injured worker’s claim is denied or when the facts of the case are disputed by the employer or insurance carrier. Further, some workers are not covered under workers’ compensation.

In some cases, as we will discuss below, it may be necessary to file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party in order to recover the compensation you deserve. A San Antonio construction site injury lawyer with experience in workplace accident claims is best suited to help you with this.

How often do work-related injuries occur?

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 2,607,900 were injured on the job in 2021. Fatal injuries totaled 5,190 for the same year. One-hundred eighty deaths occurred in the construction industry. Fatalities are up 8.9% from 2020.

What are common work-related injuries?

A serious injury is one that requires time away from work. Serious injuries could include an injury that requires the employee to be completely off work or require a job transfer or a change in work requirements. The more serious injuries where employees are completely off of work include traumatic brain injury, paralysis, burns, amputations, or other injuries requiring surgical care. Serious injuries are common in accidents at construction sites and oil field accidents. Such work environments are common in Texas.

If a person is injured in a work-related accident, then that person and his or her family may be entitled to compensation from certain individuals or companies for causing the accident. Many work-related accidents are subject to Workman’s Compensation insurance policies, arbitration agreements, and other obstacles to recovery. Your workplace injury lawyer needs to carefully evaluate these work-related claims to ensure your legal rights are protected.

Determining if there is worker’s compensation coverage, whether the injury or death was caused by a third party’s negligence, whether a general or sub-contractor is responsible – not knowing these answers and protecting your rights can cost you and your loved ones.

What are common workplace accidents and injuries in Texas?

In Texas, welding accidents, burn injuries, scaffolding accidents, work-related falls, falling objects, heavy equipment injury, crane accidents, injuries from tools, fires and explosions, trucking accidents and serious automobile accidents are all common types of construction industry-related accidents. If proper precautions are not taken to ensure against unsafe conditions, injuries can occur.

OSHA Guidelines

To protect construction workers from unsafe work environments, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has strict guidelines to protect workers.

These guidelines include:

  • Proper railings on large equipment
  • Proper hazardous materials handling procedures
  • Visible marking of unsafe conditions
  • Proper railings on elevated working positions
  • Proper safety equipment
  • Inadequate fall protection
  • Strict welding procedures
  • Strict electrical procedures

It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that the workplace meets these OSHA requirements. Also, the employer must ensure that the employees are properly trained and are notified about potentially unsafe work environments. Unfortunately, many employers are negligent and do not strictly follow the OSHA guidelines. As a result, employees are injured. Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney has established law in Texas, approved by the Texas Supreme Court, to apply OSHA standards to all employers on site, not just workers’ employers. (Seale vs. Walmart)

When a person is injured on the job, it is possible that this injury could be related to negligence on the part of the employer or other third party. Certain claims by employees are restricted to Worker’s Compensation claims or arbitration agreements and your construction injury attorney needs to be qualified to fully advise you of your legal rights and remedies.

What are common construction site injuries?

The most common injuries our San Antonio construction accident lawyer sees again and again include:

In many cases, construction injuries occur over time due to exposure to dangerous chemicals and material. Other times, workers sustain repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) due to performing the same motions over and over again for long periods of time.

Who is liable for my construction site accident claim?

For most work injuries, the victim will be compensated as mandated by the state’s workers’ compensation laws. This is a “no-fault” system, meaning the victim does not have to prove that their injury was caused by their employer to gain coverage. As long as the injury happens at work or in the course of work-related duties, a victim will generally receive workers compensation benefits to allow for the coverage of their medical expenses and a portion of their lost wages. If an employer is grossly negligence, which results in a worker’s death, a suit may be brought against the employer.

However, if a claim is denied or disputed, caused by a third party, or if the worker is not covered by workers’ compensation, the victim may need to file a personal injury lawsuit in order to secure the compensation they deserve.

Do you have a construction accident attorney near me?

Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney is located at 239 E Commerce St. in the center of Downtown San Antonio, TX. We are the owner of one of the most beautiful and historic buildings in San Antonio. There’s plenty of parking nearby. If you cannot travel, we can arrange a phone or video conference, or an in-hospital visit.

Contact an experienced San Antonio construction accident lawyer today

Construction work can cause catastrophic injuries. If workers’ compensation is not available for you, talk to Pat Maloney: Accident & Injury Attorney today. Our knowledgeable San Antonio injury attorney can help you seek the compensation to which you are entitled for your injuries, losses, and pain and suffering. If you or a loved one were injured on a construction site, call our offices or fill out our contact form today for a free consultation and confidential case evaluation.
